Current Tenants
Below you will find essential files and forms that you may need throughout your time as a tenant of Oxford Realty, including your security deposit request form, cable permission document, and rules and regulations. Please see below for descriptions of the forms. If you have any further questions please reach out to the OSU Campus Office Staff. Thank you for choosing to spend your semester at an Oxford Realty property.
Information regarding online payment setup, fees and security.
Security Deposit Return Form
In order to receive your security deposit return, we need to have a forwarding address! Make sure to read this form carefully as there are different requirements for some situations
Tenant/Subtenant Subletting Agreement
You are permitted to sublet your apartment with the Landlord’s written approval. In order to get written approval, it is mandatory that we have a sub-tenant application. Please remember, when you sublet your apartment you still maintain full responsibility on the lease. For this reason, it is recommended you use some type of contract such as the one available here.
Furniture Request List
You can use this form to request furniture prior to moving in for your apartment. Please note that not all Oxford properties have the option of being furnished. Check with the office before submitting this form to make sure that all furniture is available for your unit.
Furniture Request List (1650 Neil Ave Only)
You can use this form to request furniture prior to moving in for your apartment. Please note that not all Oxford properties have the option of being furnished. Check with the office before submitting this form to make sure that all furniture is available for your unit.
Rules and Regulations
Here you will find detailed descriptions of Oxford’s Rules and Regulations.
Cable Permission Form
If you are going to have cable installed in your apartment or house your installer will request written permission from the landlord to drill. Give this form to the cable installer if requested.